Join the private, subscribers-only leadership development newsletter for million-dollar earners, and the people who aspire to become one.

Your Monthly Lifeline to What's Hot, Happening, and Working Big in Network Marketing…

Imagine how much more successful you could be if you received business building advice from two of the most successful field leaders to ever rock a stage in network marketing: Randy Gage and Jaime LokierThey’ve locked arms for the first time to offer MLM Confidential, a private newsletter for million-dollar earners and c-suite company executives. (And people who aspire to become one of those groups.) 

These two MLM legends team up to deliver you a powerful business-building resource.

 As a subscriber you’ll receive the kind of personal advice, training, and encouragement they provide their own personal enrollees. You’ll learn new skills, develop more confidence, and build stronger belief. Plus, you’ll be alerted to breaking developments in our profession, prospecting techniques, recruiting tips, and leadership development strategies that allow you to become the best version of yourself.

MLM Confidential

However, before I go into the specifics, let me warn you. This resource is not for everybody...

It is NOT for:

  • ​MLM zombies who flit from deal to deal.
  • ​Dinosaurs who are still drawing circles on a whiteboard.
  • ​Crooks promoting MLM crypto scams or other Ponzi schemes.

It is ONLY for:

  • Distributors who are deadly serious about building a multi-million-dollar residual income from their leveraged sales business.  

(Although company owners, marketing directors, and other corporate executives will find it quite helpful as well.)

Is MLM Confidential for you?

  • If you’re struggling to grow – the answer is yes. 
  • If you’re getting somewhere, but not nearly as fast as you’d like – the answer is yes. 
  • If you’re the ultimate grinder, looking successful to the outside world, but doing everything yourself and getting no real duplication – the answer is yes. 

Each issue you're going to receive one column from Jaime and one from Randy, on whatever they think is most valuable for you that month. These will include specific stories, case studies, or examples to help you get better results. This is strong, impactful, and actionable content that gives you the best return on investment for your subscription.

Every issue of MLM Confidential also contains a section called The DishThis alerts you to the big developments you need to know to be effective and protect your team. These includes updates on company closings, leaders jumping companies, important regulatory actions, and the latest activity from the zombies and con artists who want to prey on your team. You’ll get the warnings you need about the latest MLM crypto scams and rip-offs, and yes, we name names.  

Extra value…

Your subscription also includes membership in our private Facebook group and telegram channel – so you’re alerted to important breaking developments when they happen

If you’re tired of anemic sales or fed up with being a grinder - You’ve got to develop some new tools for your toolbox. That’s the priceless service your MLM Confidential subscription will provide for you. It’s designed to develop your leadership skills, improve your marketing knowledge, keep you up-to-the-minute on important developments in the industry, and make you as productive and effective as possible. You will learn the secrets that the MLM Rock Stars use to create million-dollar incomes and massive duplication hundreds of levels deep. You’ll discover how to build leaders and create true passive income that will continue to grow, long after you stop building. And it should go without say, but won’t, MLM Confidential is totally generic and safe for your entire team.

We promise you this: MLM Confidential will quickly become one of your most-trusted, most-valuable business building resources. If you don’t have a subscription to this, you’re going to be at a pronounced competitive disadvantage.

Section One is “The Dish.”

This portion will alert you to the latest activity of the con artists, MLM zombies and dinosaurs. You’ll get the warnings you need to protect yourself and your team from the latest scams and other rip-offs.

Unfortunately, this business has attracted an entire subculture of parasites that prey on the people trying to do the business the right way. These include the trainers giving dangerous advice because they don’t actually work the business, batshit crazy downline building systems, and the companies run by genuine criminals that are fronting as legitimate programs.

We’ll tell you the truth, and yes, actually name names. Each month you’ll get this info, frequently before many of your competitors even get a whiff of it.

Section Two is Duplication Discourse.

If you haven’t discovered it by now, you will quickly realize that everything in our business needs to be centered on duplication – doing the business in a way that anyone on your team can replicate your actions and get similar results.

For many of you, you may have to be coached how to not let your amazing talents work against you. Randy Gage is the undisputed king of the universe when it comes to systems and duplication. He created the number one recruiting audio in network marketing history, and his book Direct Selling Success is considered “the Bible” of the profession, laying out his generic step-by-step system for duplicating hundreds, even thousands of levels deep.

Every issue you’ll get specific information that can improve the duplication results in your own team.

Section Three is the Monthly Leadership Lesson.

Leading a team of thousands isn’t easy. In fact, it’s incredibly difficult. As you rise up in rank, the challenges you face become ever more complex. At this level, it’s not about how to overcome objections, onboarding a new distributor, or building a customer base. You’ve mastered those things way back in the rear-view mirror. 

Now your life is a constant barrage of resolving conflicts, coddling bruised egos and hurt feelings, arbitrating marriage infidelities, counseling divorce breakups, deploying talent to long distance markets, keeping the team motivated, killing distractions, and creating a vision that empowers the team.

No one on earth understands the psychological dynamics of developing and leading a crusade better than Jaime Lokier. His book Leaders Die: Movements Don’t, is the seminal work on the subject. Each issue of MLM Confidential you’ll receive an insightful lesson (or two) on how you can become a better leader to your team.

Section Four is Your Challenge.

The executive briefing isn’t just about studying but doing. Each month Randy and Jaime will give you an assignment: a specific task to complete, area to evaluate, or project to work on, to help you become the highest possible version of yourself.

It should go without saying, but won’t: You don’t have to worry about the guys endorsing any company or pitching your team to join any program. Our mission is 100 percent devoted to furthering the profession by developing our subscribers into stronger, better-trained, more-educated leaders. 

Randy and Jaime won’t have you fighting over the pie, they’ll be challenging you and all the other subscribers to build a bigger pie! This is a resource unlike any that have ever existed in the space before. It’s fresh, unique, and innovative. It’s the most advanced leveraged sale leadership training offered to the public. 

Much of the information you’ll read in the newsletter has never been shared outside of Randy and Jaime’s inner leader circle before. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You are NOT allowed to forward or share the newsletter. If you are found to be doing so, your subscription will be cancelled with no refund, and you’ll receive a five-year ban from resubscribing. The guys have worked for decades developing their knowledge and expertise and won’t tolerate it being shared with others who may not operate with the highest integrity.

Section One is “The Dish.”

This portion will alert you to the latest activity of the con artists, MLM zombies and dinosaurs. You’ll get the warnings you need to protect yourself and your team from the latest scams and other rip-offs.

Unfortunately, this business has attracted an entire subculture of parasites that prey on the people trying to do the business the right way. These include the trainers giving dangerous advice because they don’t actually work the business, batshit crazy downline building systems, and the companies run by genuine criminals that are fronting as legitimate programs.

We’ll tell you the truth, and yes, actually name names. Each month you’ll get this info, frequently before many of your competitors even get a whiff of it.

Section Two is Duplication Discourse.

If you haven’t discovered it by now, you will quickly realize that everything in our business needs to be centered on duplication – doing the business in a way that anyone on your team can replicate your actions and get similar results.

For many of you, you may have to be coached how to not let your amazing talents work against you. Randy Gage is the undisputed king of the universe when it comes to systems and duplication. He created the number one recruiting audio in network marketing history, and his book Direct Selling Success is considered “the Bible” of the profession, laying out his generic step-by-step system for duplicating hundreds, even thousands of levels deep.

Every issue you’ll get specific information that can improve the duplication results in your own team.

Section Three is the Monthly Leadership Lesson.

Leading a team of thousands isn’t easy. In fact, it’s incredibly difficult. As you rise up in rank, the challenges you face become ever more complex. At this level, it’s not about how to overcome objections, onboarding a new distributor, or building a customer base. You’ve mastered those things way back in the rear-view mirror. 

Now your life is a constant barrage of resolving conflicts, coddling bruised egos and hurt feelings, arbitrating marriage infidelities, counseling divorce breakups, deploying talent to long distance markets, keeping the team motivated, killing distractions, and creating a vision that empowers the team.

No one on earth understands the psychological dynamics of developing and leading a crusade better than Jaime Lokier. His book Leaders Die: Movements Don’t, is the seminal work on the subject. Each issue of MLM Confidential you’ll receive an insightful lesson (or two) on how you can become a better leader to your team.

Section Four is Your Challenge.

The executive briefing isn’t just about studying but doing. Each month Randy and Jaime will give you an assignment: a specific task to complete, area to evaluate, or project to work on, to help you become the highest possible version of yourself.

It should go without saying, but won’t: You don’t have to worry about the guys endorsing any company or pitching your team to join any program. Our mission is 100 percent devoted to furthering the profession by developing our subscribers into stronger, better-trained, more-educated leaders. 

Randy and Jaime won’t have you fighting over the pie, they’ll be challenging you and all the other subscribers to build a bigger pie! This is a resource unlike any that have ever existed in the space before. It’s fresh, unique, and innovative. It’s the most advanced leveraged sale leadership training offered to the public. 

Much of the information you’ll read in the newsletter has never been shared outside of Randy and Jaime’s inner leader circle before. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You are NOT allowed to forward or share the newsletter. If you are found to be doing so, your subscription will be cancelled with no refund, and you’ll receive a five-year ban from resubscribing. The guys have worked for decades developing their knowledge and expertise and won’t tolerate it being shared with others who may not operate with the highest integrity.

Become a Charter Subscriber…

The regular subscription price is going to be set at $347 a year.

For a limited time, you can register as a Charter Subscriber for only $147 annually.

As a Charter Subscriber, you will be guaranteed this drastically reduced renewal price for life, provided you resubscribe each year.

If you allow your subscription to expire, you’ll have to resubscribe at the current market price.

Of course, you can cancel at any time.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your subscription is meant for your eyes only. You’re not allowed to forward, post, or share the newsletter. If you are found to be doing so, your subscription will be cancelled with no refund, and you’ll receive a five-year ban from resubscribing. The guys have worked for decades developing their knowledge and expertise and won’t tolerate it being shared with others who may not operate with the highest integrity.  

Lock in your subscription now. You’ll be glad you did!

P.S. Remember, if you subscribe now, you’ll qualify for the one-time Charter Subscriber discount for life.

“Since I discovered Randy 16 years ago, he’s been a true beacon of wisdom for me and my team. His insights and teachings are wrapped with a seal of true love for our Direct Selling profession. Jaime has become a prominent trainer for Latin American Networkers: his must-have courses and books are filled with crucial concepts for helping your team grow”

Erick Gamio

If you can’t earn an extra $100,000 a year in income from this newsletter — you’re not actually reading it!

Ann Feinstein

Global Network Marketing Professional

It’s about time! Randy Gage and Jamie Lokier are coming together as proven leader/trainers in our profession. Two guys who have made millions by building teams far and beyond the masses!

Jeff Higginson

President, Rain International 

Randy and Jaime are two of the most natural born leaders you will ever find but what I love about them is that they have both proven it over and over again that they practice what they preach.

Jeremiah Bradley

Chairman ZYIA Active

Randy Gage's books have been like a travel map for me because he details the timeless principles that make our Network Marketing ventures prosper. Jaime Lokier's contemporary look at the present and future of our Profession, coupled with Intelligence to address the issue of Leadership, make the content of his books, and his advice invaluable.

Claudia Jaramillo

Professional Networker since 1991

The clarity with which Randy taught us to work was definitely the basis of our great growth. A teacher who gave us solid foundations and transcendent purpose. Jaime definitely adds a lot of value to us, and it is that he has put his talent and experience at the service of MLM. His constant formative work is a great contribution to all of us.

Lily Rosales

Diamond Millionaire, FuXion

Randy Gage has been leading LARGE "volunteer" armies in the Network Marketing space as long as I have been in the profession (over 25 yrs). His relevance is unquestionable. Jamie Loker must be equally as amazing for Randy to entrust him with the reputation he has worked so hard to earn with a very large audience. So excited to learn from this dynamic duo.

Dana Collins

Executive National Vice President, Arbonne Independent Consultant.

Thanks to all what we learn from Randy we have managed to create duplication systems and build a great organization in 16 countries with spectacular leaders. Jaime is a great leader, a friend who has known how to fill all the empty spaces that were in the world of marketing, leadership and personal development for MLM through his books and seminars.

Luca Melloni

Diamond Millionaire, FuXion

Both Jaime and Randy are part of my beginnings in network marketing 14 years ago and their training has been decisive. That initial vision of the industry and how to start the business of new distributors, has been the foundation of my growth in the industry.

Miguel Rocha

Regional Director, ACN

I am fortunate to have been mentored by Randy and Jaime throughout my life, and how much they contribute to your day to day makes your goals come true, honestly my business would not exist or be at the point where it is if it wasn’t for their guidance.

Nataly Husny

Founder at Pretzel Media

“MLM Confidential provides the real-world info leaders need to build.”

Art Jonak

President North America, Zinzino

For over 20 years Randy has been my go-to for leadership and the psychology of growing a massive team; and through him I have discovered Jaime. Even though he speaks a different language to me, his teachings make perfect sense, so I’m excited to subscribe to this newsletter and hear more from both of them.

Wes Linden

UK top earning leader; Direct Selling Hall of Fame; Best-Selling Author

If you’re not subscribed to "MLM Confidential", you’re missing out on some valuable advice, tips, and strategies, as well as the latest trends in the network marketing space.

Andi Duli

3 Star Ambassador, Zurvita.

Randy and Jaime taught me that "Wealth is created in only two ways: By solving problems and/or by adding value". This clarity has allowed me to take my life and business to a much higher level.

Mike Acántaros

I wouldn’t change  for anything everything Randy and Jaime Lokier have taught me through their books, conferences and mentoring!!! They know how to make our work much more effective and lead us to boost our numbers and checks!!! I am truly, eternally grateful to you!!!

Ana Groenewold

Chairman Club, Stemtech

We can't put into words how impactful it has been for us to be able to tap into the minds of leaders like Randy Gage and Jaime Lokier. These top producers have caused us to think bigger, challenged us to take more action and taught us how to master duplication, promotion and creating a true system...And that has made all the difference in the world.

Angelo and Bricia Licari

“Since I discovered Randy 16 years ago, he’s been a true beacon of wisdom for me and my team. His insights and teachings are wrapped with a seal of true love for our Direct Selling profession. Jaime has become a prominent trainer for Latin American Networkers: his must-have courses and books are filled with crucial concepts for helping your team grow”

Erick Gamio

If you can’t earn an extra $100,000 a year in income from this newsletter — you’re not actually reading it!

Ann Feinstein

Global Network Marketing Professional

It’s about time! Randy Gage and Jamie Lokier are coming together as proven leader/trainers in our profession. Two guys who have made millions by building teams far and beyond the masses!

Jeff Higginson

President, Rain International 

Randy and Jaime are two of the most natural born leaders you will ever find but what I love about them is that they have both proven it over and over again that they practice what they preach.

Jeremiah Bradley

Chairman ZYIA Active

Randy Gage's books have been like a travel map for me because he details the timeless principles that make our Network Marketing ventures prosper. Jaime Lokier's contemporary look at the present and future of our Profession, coupled with Intelligence to address the issue of Leadership, make the content of his books, and his advice invaluable.

Claudia Jaramillo

Professional Networker since 1991

The clarity with which Randy taught us to work was definitely the basis of our great growth. A teacher who gave us solid foundations and transcendent purpose. Jaime definitely adds a lot of value to us, and it is that he has put his talent and experience at the service of MLM. His constant formative work is a great contribution to all of us.

Lily Rosales

Diamond Millionaire, FuXion

Randy Gage has been leading LARGE "volunteer" armies in the Network Marketing space as long as I have been in the profession (over 25 yrs). His relevance is unquestionable. Jamie Loker must be equally as amazing for Randy to entrust him with the reputation he has worked so hard to earn with a very large audience. So excited to learn from this dynamic duo.

Dana Collins

Executive National Vice President, Arbonne Independent Consultant.

Thanks to all what we learn from Randy we have managed to create duplication systems and build a great organization in 16 countries with spectacular leaders. Jaime is a great leader, a friend who has known how to fill all the empty spaces that were in the world of marketing, leadership and personal development for MLM through his Books and Seminars.

Luca Melloni

Diamond Millionaire, FuXion

Both Jaime and Randy are part of my beginnings in network marketing 14 years ago and their training has been decisive. That initial vision of the industry and how to start the business of new distributors, has been the foundation of my growth in the industry.

Miguel Rocha

Regional Director, ACN

I am fortunate to have been mentored by Randy and Jaime throughout my life, and how much they contribute to your day to day makes your goals come true, honestly my business would not exist or be at the point where it is if it wasn’t for their guidance.

Nataly Husny

Founder at Pretzel Media

“MLM Confidential provides the real-world info leaders need to build.”

Art Jonak

President North America, Zinzino 

For over 20 years Randy has been my go-to for leadership and the psychology of growing a massive team; and through him I have discovered Jaime. Even though he speaks a different language to me, his teachings make perfect sense, so I’m excited to subscribe to this newsletter and hear more from both of them.

Wes Linden

UK top earning leader; Direct Selling Hall of Fame; Best-Selling Author

If you’re not subscribed to "MLM Confidential", you’re missing out on some valuable advice, tips, and strategies, as well as the latest trends in the network marketing space.“

Andi Duli

3 Star Ambassador, Zurvita.

Randy and Jaime taught me that "Wealth is created in only two ways: By solving problems and/or by adding value". This clarity has allowed me to take my life and business to a much higher level.

Mike Acántaros

I wouldn’t change for anything everything Randy and Jaime Lokier have taught me through their books, conferences and mentoring!!! They know how to make our work much more effective and lead us to boost our numbers and checks!!! I am truly, eternally grateful to you!!!

Ana Groenewold

Chairman Club, Stemtech

We can't put into words how impactful it has been for us to be able to tap into the minds of leaders like Randy Gage and Jaime Lokier. These top producers have caused us to think bigger, challenged us to take more action and taught us how to master duplication, promotion and creating a true system...And that has made all the difference in the world.

Angelo and Bricia Licari